Galería de la Raza – Podcast

EP 2: Sanctuary City Project – Interview w/ Sergio de la Torre

May 31, 2024 Galería de la Raza Season 1 Episode 2

From its inception, Sanctuary City Project has aimed to engage audiences in creating and spreading stories of migration deeply informed by the community’s participation and contributions in direct relation to their lived experiences. Through interactive installations, mobile print shops, and public art interventions, artists Sergio de la Torre and Chris Treggiari have collected and archived over 700 responses to questions that reflect on the notion of sanctuary. Responses to these questions have been collected and turned into posters, banners and public art projects.

Galería de la Raza is thrilled to partner with Mission Economic Development Agency (MEDA) to temporarily activate the 2205 Mission Street façade with The Sanctuary City Project. Installed on a site used by the local Mission community as a vending hub, as well as a site earmarked for future affordable housing, this public art intervention will center community dialogue around the politics of sanctuary and who gets counted in this country.

As we enter a contentious election season on top of a global pandemic that has disproportionately affected Brown, Black, and Indigenous communities, and the ongoing calls for racial justice and police defunding, The Sanctuary City Project highlights the importance of public space as instrumental for mobilization and essential to our community’s mental and physical well being during abnormal times. Through this public art intervention we aim to provide a moment of respite while also joining local and national conversations that concern our communities.